"Your One Stop Shop for Employee Benefits, Medicare, and Individual Coverages"

1.800.854.4099 | 724.458.7255

Benefits Administration

Managing employee benefits for any size company is hard enough, make it easier with our Benefits Administration platform. Our platform allows you to keep all your benefit enrollments in one place, and allows for your employees do to online enrollment.

Our expert staff is ready and able to assist you. If you have any questions, or if you would like more information on our services, please give us a call.

Give new hires easy access to your benefits, not a stack of paperwork. Employee Navigator's onboarding tools make it easy for HR to get new hires up and running without endless amounts of paperwork.
Set up Onboarding in minutes and put the rest on auto-pilot

1. Easily complete new hire forms
We made completing new hire forms painless for employees & HR.

2. Compliance simplified
There's no shortage of policies employees need to sign off on; our digital file makes tracking them a walk in the park.

3. Safety and training modernized 
Modernize training, improve worksite safety & reduce workers comp costs.

4. Paperless benefit elections
Don't stop with onboarding, benefits can also be seamlessly managed online.

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